Grand! You made it, greetings 👋🏽

I’m a data scientist.

Coding prerequisites include a big screen to not burden my failing eyes too much. A challenge to break the monotony. One cup of black coffee, hold the sugar and milk.

Often background music without lyrics otherwise I’ll just sing along e.g. Chillhop or DnB. 1-3 chinwags to decompress. A healthy portion of food with all the trimmings.

Beyond coding: I lay my hat in London, UK, and share the utilities with my son and fiancé. I’m a fan of both basketball 🏀 and ⚽ football. Love a good read, mainly fantasy. Favourite books are The Gentlemen Bastard & Mistborn Series, follow me on Goodreads.

I too like to game. I fell hard for Final Fantasy 8 back in the 90’s and if limited to one dish for the rest of my life, it’ll be 🍕 pizza.


Kurtis Smith

Data Scientist